Monday, January 16, 2006

flickrcast - Episode 11

"Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?"
"... This is Episode 11."

it was a three day weekend for us so we took an extra day. yeah, yeah i know: Captain Lazyass and Admiral Slacksalot of the USS Do-Nothing.
links for this episode:

* weekly music was The Negatones - Flattened by the Sun, from the podsafe music network.
* cyron's example of how to search for a specific camera, and jason's rewording of it.
* flickr news post about the new navigation widget.
* here's a random example of the now-hidden stream view.
* retrievr (not affiliated with microsoft paint).
* pics bryan found with retrievr:
- boston terrier.
- get me some pics of that arachnid menace, parker!
* hello clarice... the eStarling WiFi photo frame.
* the unfortunately quiet compositions group.
download Episode 11 here, or subscribe to our feed.


flickrcast said...

yeah, that's to show the syntax for the search and what the results will look like.

John said...

The best camera database (that I have seen) is the one at pbase

Really it's the best resource if you are thinking of buying a camera and want to see a wide variety of pictures